Blog Tour: Orphans of the West by Faith Blum

Faith Blum is releasing the last two volumes in her Orphans of the West series, Sing the Wondrous Story and He Leadeth Me. To celebrate the event she is throwing a blog tour party with a chance to win prizes and some fun blog posts around the place.
To celebrate the occasion, I asked her to tell us what she planned on doing next. This is what she shared:
What happens now?
by Faith Blum
With the publication of He Leadeth Me, the Orphans of the West series is finished. There are four novels and two novellas in the series and it was an enjoyable run. I really loved writing about orphans and all the various problems they ran into in those days. Orphans have been on my heart for a while now and I think that comes out in these books. But now what happens?
Well, I do have a plan. I am currently writing some fairy tale retellings set during the times of Kings Saul, David, and Solomon. The series is titled Tales of the East. I have plans for five novellas in the series. One is published so far, Trust and Obey which is a Hansel and Gretl retelling. My plans also include reimaginings of Beauty and the Beast, Rapunzel, The 12 Dancing Princesses, and Cinderella.
But I’m not completely abandoning the more recent historical fiction. I am about to start a new series called Soldiers of the West. This series will be about descendants of characters from my Hymns of the West and Orphans of the West series’. The books will follow some, if not all, of the families into WWI and WWII.
I am currently still doing research, but I plan to start writing the first book in November for NaNoWriMo. All I have to do now is figure out which characters to use first and where in the WWI story to start.
I hope you enjoy these books and learning a little more about where my writing journey is leading. If you want to keep up with me, I send out monthly writing updates as well as other things in my monthly newsletter. You can sign up at this link. (Hint: It also gets you an extra entry into the giveaway).

The winner will receive a notebook, metal bookmark, and a paperback copy of one of the books (winner’s choice).
About the Author

Faith Blum is a small-town Wisconsin girl. She’s lived in, or outside of, small towns her whole life. The thought of living in a city with more than 60,000 people in it scares her, especially after some interesting adventures driving through big cities like Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota.
Faith currently resides in the middle of the state of Wisconsin with her husband and their cat, Smokey. She is blessed to be able to have writing as her full-time career with household work and cooking to do on the side. She loves to paint walls as long as she doesn’t have to do hallways or ceilings.
When not writing, you can find her cooking food from scratch due to food allergies (fun), doing dishes (meh), knitting, crocheting, sewing, reading, or spending time with her husband (yay!). She is also a Community Assistant for the Young Writers Workshop and loves her work there. She loves to hear from her readers, so feel free to contact her on her website.