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Life in the Crazy Lane

Rachel Rossano

Apologies for the delay in the more personal posts. My life has been chaotically full. Here are a few of the highlights:

Working Cover for Grace by Contract

Working cover of Grace by Contract (it might change)

Writing: Since finishing Grace by Contract (the Beauty and the Beast inspired story, the first in a new series), life has been too full to get any writing done beyond plotting some new ideas. I am hoping to get a solid start on the next Rhynan novel soon. I just have to iron out some ideas in the plot.

Editing: I have gotten nothing done in this area either. However, I am planning a big editing push to get some projects (Mercy, The Defender, and others need attention soon) out to the general public around year end.

Designing: This area of my life has been hopping. Between finalizing the covers of Kimberly Roger's new releases and doing some formatting for her, doing the same for Carmen Peone and a few more clients, and scheduling projects farther out, I have been spending a lot of time with my designing tools. This should slow down soon.

Homeschooling: This is the area that I have been devoting most of my time. My kids' school year started and as the homeschooler that I am, it means extra work for me. Also, I am working as a tutor for some 6th graders this year. This requires a bit of extra study time for me (since we are learning Latin together). I am bit of a language enthusiast no matter the language and have to remind myself to not spend all of my free time on learning Latin.

The good news is that life should be settling down into a routine soon. I thrive on routines. They give my brain room to plot and plan and start the writing process in the spaces between the other things.

Regardless, if you don't see posts on Facebook about my editing/writing soon, feel free to nag me.

What has been filling up your days lately?

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