Author Interview with Kellyn Roth

At Her Fingertips (Book #3)
Alice Knight is looking forward to her debut as it means she will be able to carry out her plan. She will have her first Season in London, she will meet her husband, and she will marry him. However, Alice struggles to make her feelings reconcile with her goals.
Alice is sure that, if she can only cling to her plans, she will manage without help from anyone — including God. A childhood friend returning unexpectedly, a charming gentleman who is not all he should be, and an American author with strange ideas about life all make her question the plan.
With the life she longs for at her fingertips, can Alice grasp it?
Although it was all quite exciting, the people her mother introduced her to faded together in Alice’s mind, none of them standing out to her. She admired some, was disgusted by others, and had no opinion whatsoever about the remaining. However, none of these feelings lingered long enough for her to care.
She danced in almost every set and tried to talk with Cassie when she wasn’t in demand—but Cassie appeared to be the belle of the ball, an earl’s daughter with a sizable dowry and a sweet face. Alice could scarcely speak a word to her before they were interrupted by a young man full of flattering words to make Cassie blush until her freckles disappeared.
On toward midnight, Alice accepted an offer of refreshments made by a young man whom she honestly just wanted to leave her alone, as much of a fop as he was. She stood where he left her at the edge of the ballroom floor and watched him procure two glasses of punch and triumphantly start back toward her.
He was halfway to her when, out of a side door which led to the library, came Gibson Ashfield. She could see even from the distance that neither men were looking where they were going, and inevitably a glass of lemonade spilled down the front of Alice’s partner’s waistcoat and shirt.
Alice’s partner pulled out a handkerchief and began dabbing at his front fiercely. Alice walked over to them, barely hiding her smile. A quick glance at the furiously apologizing Gibson confirmed Alice’s suspicions; his lips twitched with suppressed mirth.
“Miss Knight,” said Alice’s partner when he saw her, “I’m terribly sorry, but I must leave you to tidy up.”
“Of course, that’s perfectly fine. I’ll—”
“Dance with me,” Gibson interposed. “When a man barrels over a woman’s partner, he should at least offer to take his place.”
Alice drew back. He can’t be serious. After all, she was just Miss Knight of Windpool Street. But his eyes held nothing but a smile. She forced her head to move in assent. “It would be an honor.”
“No, the honor is all mine,” Gibson assured her. He extended his arm and led her onto the floor. The music began as they turned to face each other and Alice, still a little speechless, began to dance.
What time period is At Her Fingertips set in and why did you choose it?
At Her Fingertips begins in 1879 and ends the following summer of 1880. As this is the third book in a series, and I needed Alice to be eighteen, the year was set in stone. The reason I chose this era for the series, The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy, is a little more complicated.
I originally wrote the first novel, The Dressmaker's Secret, as a prequel story to another book I wrote years ago. It was about the grandparents and parents of the characters from this now nonexistent story. And, when I moved away from the original story, I kept the era.
I know it's confusing, but there's really no simple answer!
What do you like most about your heroine, Alice? Worst?
I love Alice's determination, her competitive nature, and her fierce loyalty to her family. She's also got a lot of spunk. However, I'm not so fond of her tendency to think she knows best, her emotional cluelessness, and her need for control. Sometimes Alice completely forgets that she just needs to let go and give God complete authority over her life!
It sounds like from the blurb that Alice is struggling with how best to choose her path through life. I also know that authors frequently write about things that are reflected in their own lives. How does Alice's journey connect to your own life?
Alice and I would both rather rely on logic rather than our feelings. But the problem is ... neither of those are good ideas! Thoughts, feelings, our opinions, our desires ... they're worthless! The only thing that matters is what God thinks - what God feels - what God desires in our life.
I think a lot of the time I just want to get things done. I don't want to spend a lot of time being patient and waiting to hear what God thinks on the subject - I just want it to be over and decided and that's that. I think Alice feels the same way.
But you know ... I can't just dive into my life! I've got to wait - and sometimes that may be absolutely nerve-wracking and infuriating for me, but God will get me through it.
This is the third book this series. Are we going to be seeing more installments? Are they already in the works?
At the moment, I'm planning for six books in this series. The fourth one, Beyond Her Calling, is written; I'm revising it now! The publication is planned for some time this fall. I've written about 30,000 words of book 5, Alice Unanswered. I don't have a planned publication date for this novel, as I know it will likely take me some time to finish writing it and even longer for the edits! All I've got for book 6 is a bit of a plot bunny.
What else is in your plans for the future in writing and life, Lord willing?
I'm currently writing historical novel set in the 1850s concerning the Underground Railroad and sister relationships which I'm callingOnce a Stratton and outlining a novel set in my hometown during WW2, my working title being Water on the Rocks. I have a lot of ideas - enough to keep me busy for a lifetime! I really hope I'll be able to pursue them all.

Author Bio
Kellyn Roth was born and lives on a cattle ranch in North-Eastern Oregon. Always fascinated with telling stories, she created crazy games to play with her little brothers as a child. Today, she writes Christian and Historical Fiction with a focus on truth and family. Find out more about her and her novels at
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