Unexpected Arrival - Cecily's Quest Sneak PeekThis is an excerpt of the unedited rough draft of the fourth book in the Once Upon a Duchy series. As such, it is subject to change...
Not as Expected - Rumpled Rhett Sneak PeekTo celebrate Fairy Tale Day, I am sharing a bit from Rumpled Rhett (Once Upon a Duchy - Book Three), a novel inspired by Rumpelstiltskin...
A Gentleman and a Scholar - Sneak Peek of Reclaiming RydaTo celebrate Fairy Tale Day, I am including a bit from Reclaiming Ryda (Once Upon a Duchy - Book Two), a novel inspired by Rapunzel. A...
Beauty by Another Name - Sneak Peek of Grace by ContractTo celebrate Fairy Tale Day, I am offering a sneak peek into the beginning of Silas and Grace's relationship in Grace by Contract (Once...
Cover Reveal - The Scarlet Mask by Sarah PenningtonBastian Denell, PI #3 Bastian Dennel is a detective, not a matchmaker. But he’s also not one to turn down easy mazuma. So when one of...
Author Spotlight - Fled for Refuge by Kristina HallTyranny. Betrayal. Risk. Tony Dorence works security for a little country church mostly untouched by America’s downward spiral....